KFC Youth Medical & Permission Form

In order to provide the best level of care while your child/ren are under our supervision, we require that you fill out and return the registration form below. The information below will be treated confidentially within our team.

Personal Details

Parent/Guardian #1

Parent/Guardian #2

Emergency Contact (other than parent/guardian listed above)

Please fill out section below, if only 1 parent/guardian listed above.

Permission to Collect

Who will collect your child at the end of the program? Please list anyone who will be collecting your child (including yourself).

Medical Information

The following information is supplied (in confience) to assist leaders in the event of an incident.


If you child has an anaphylaxis plan, please provide us a copy either in person or by emailing us ( youth@kfc.church ). Thank you.


If you child has an asthma action plan, please provide us a copy either in person or by emailing us ( youth@kfc.church ). Thank you.

Medical Condtions

Dietary Conditions

Other Medical Information

Medical Authorisation

Should I/we be unavailable in the case of an emergency involving my/our child. I/We hereby authorise the Leaders to arrange for such Medical or Surgical treatment, and the administration of medication such as analgesics, as may be deemed necessary. I/We indemnify Kingborough Family Church against all cost arising from such action.

Photo/Video Release

As a Church we would like to publish photos/videos from our nights onto social media and use them to promote.

Drivers Release

Due to occasionally being off site we will need to transport children to and from the venue, in these events we hire a bus but occasionally we need to transport a small proportion by car. Leaders will always abide by the law and have full licences.

Communication Release

Do you consent to us contacting your child directly via text message, or phone call to provide updates or information about the youth program or events?

Your Agreement With us

I understand that although the leaders will take all reasonable care to ensure both the comfort and safety of my child, there is still a risk that an accident may occur.