Thank you for expressing interest in attending The Marriage Course. The course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime including
- Understand each others needs
- Communicate more effectively
- Grow closer by learning methods to resolve conflict
- Recover from the ways you may have hurt each other
- Recognise how your upbringing affects your relationship
- Improve relationships with parents and in-laws
- Develop greater sexual intimacy
- Discover each others “love language” and much, much more….
The course will run for 7 weeks at Kingborough Family Church, Huntingfield.
Each session will begin with dessert and drinks to be shared trogether as a couple, followed by a video presentation and times for discussion as a couple. There is no group sharing. It's like having 7 date nights that will strengthen your relationship!
Dessert and drinks are included.
Each participant will receive a Journal for use during, and after the course. We kindly request each couple pays $40 to cover the cost of the journals if this is affordable for you. Please don't le cost be a prohibitive factor in expressing interesting in attending The Marraige Course,
Please tell us about yourself.